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What is computer | Computer Notes | Types of computer


A computer is a programmable tool that stores, retrieves, and processes data.A computer is defined by the human which calculate numerical values and a lot of prblem solving.The term was later coined by mechanical devices when they began to replace human computers. Today's computers are electronic devices that accept data (input), process that data, generate output, and store the results (storage).

Computer overview

Below is a picture of a computer with each of its key components. In the image below, you can see the desktop computer, flat panel display, speaker, keyboard and mouse. We have also labeled each input device and output device.

The first digital computer and what most people think of as a computer is called ENIAC. It was built during World War II (1943-1946) and was designed to help automate calculations performed by human computers. By doing these calculations on a computer, they can get results much faster and with fewer errors.
Desktop computer

History of the computer

Early computers like ENIAC used vacuum tubes and were large (sometimes room size) and only found in businesses, universities or governments. Later, computers began using transistors, as well as smaller and cheaper parts, allowing the common man to own a computer.

How are computers used today?

Nowadays, computers create jobs that used to be complicated. For example, you can write a letter in a word processor, edit it anytime, check the spelling, print copies, and send it to anyone around the world in seconds. It will take several days, if not months, before all these activities. Also, these examples are a small part of what a computer can do.

What components make up a desktop computer?

What parts are needed for a computer to work?

Today's desktop computers have some or all of the following components (hardware) and peripherals. As technology advances, older technologies, such as floppy disk drives and zip drives (both shown below) are no longer required or incorporated.

Example in front of a computer case
  • Bay
  • Case or chassis
  • Case fan
  • Optical Drive: Blu-ray, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, or DVD.
  • CPU (Processor)
  • Floppy disk drive
  • hard drive
  • keyboard
  • RAM (random access memory)
  • Microphone
  • Monitor monitor, LCD, or any other display device.
  • Motherboard
  • Mouse
  • Network card
  • Power supply
  • Printer
  • Sound card
  • Speakers
  • Video card
  • Wearable

What parts are needed for a computer to work?

A computer does not need all of the above components. However, a computer cannot function without bringing it to a minimum.

  • Processor - The component that executes instructions from software and hardware.
  • Memory - Temporary primary storage for data traveling between storage and CPU.
  • Motherboard (with ship video) - The component that connects all components.
  • Storage Device (such as a hard drive) - a slow secondary storage that stores data permanently.

Computer connections

All computers have different types of connections. An example of the back of a private computer and a brief description of each connection can be found on our Computer Connection page.

Types of computers

When you talk about a computer or a "PC", you usually refer to a desktop computer found in a home or office. Nowadays, however, the lines of what makes a computer are blurred. Below are all the different examples that are considered computers today.

                 uses of computer

This image shows a variety of computers and computing devices, and is an example of their differences. Below is a complete list of past and present computers.

  • Consoles (e.g., Xbox and PS3)
  • Custom built pc
  • Desktop computer
  • Disable workstation and slim client
  • Embedded computer The most common and used computer. An embedded computer is a computer that has a specific function, including things like ATMs, cars, microwaves, TVs, VCRs, and other home electronics.
  • Gaming computer
  • Hybrid computer
  • Laptops, portable, notebook computers
  • Mainframe
  • Microcomputer
  • Nanocomputer
  • Netbook
  • PDA
  • Personal computer (aka desktop and home computer)
  • Pre-built computer
  • Server
  • Set top box
  • Smartphone
  • Sticky computer
  • Supercomputer
  • Tablet

Who makes computers?

Today, PC (IBM compatible) and Apple Mac are two types of computers. There are many companies that make and make PCs, and if you can find all the necessary parts for a computer, you can also make a custom PC. However, when it comes to Apple, only Apple designs and builds these computers. See our Computer Companies page for a list of Computer Manufacturers (OEMs).

  1. What kind of computer should I buy?
  2. Tips for buying a desktop computer.
  3. Mac vs. PC


What parts are needed for a computer to work?

A computer does not need all of the above components. However, a computer cannot function without bringing it to a minimum.

  • Processor - The component that executes instructions from software and hardware.
  • Memory - Temporary primary storage for data traveling between storage and CPU.
  • Motherboard- (with ship video) - The component that connects all components.
  • Storage Device- (such as a hard drive) - a slow secondary storage that stores data permanently.
However, if you have a computer with only the minimum number of parts listed above, you will not be able to communicate with it unless you are connected to at least one input device (such as a keyboard). In addition, you will need at least one output device (e.g., monitor) to see what's going on.

parts of computer


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